Author: Flabracadabra

  • Strength Training vs. Cardio For Longevity

    When it comes to living a long and healthy life, we all want to ensure we’re doing the right things to help us get there. This includes managing the right lifestyle choices and choosing the appropriate diet and exercise regimen. Two types of exercises that often come to mind as ways to do this are…

  • Strength Training vs. Bodybuilding Physique

    Many look to get in shape and build a strong, healthy body. But when you set out on this goal, you’ll find that many different options can help you do this.  Maybe as you’re looking through all the options, you’ve stumbled into the world of weight training. So many options are perfect for building a…

  • Personal Trainer vs. Strength Coach

    If you’re a beginner when it comes to your fitness journey, one of the best things you can do Is invest in someone to help.  But, of course, there are a lot of different options available, and many times, if you’re a beginner, you think they all do the same thing; take, for instance, a…

  • Muscle Tone vs. Strength Training

    Exercise is exercise, right? If you are diving deep into the physical fitness arena and trying to figure out a new fitness routine for yourself, you know that that is not the case. There are a lot of terms and concepts that you have to wade through to find the right fit for you.  Maybe…

  • Swimming vs. Strength Training

    For those who enjoy staying active, we’re sure you’re always looking for new ways to challenge your body and improve your overall fitness. And when it comes to exercise, many people look at a wide range of options, including swimming and strength training. In fact, these may be two of the most popular options out…

  • Training for Aesthetics vs. Strength

    Are you torn between training for aesthetics or strength? Well, you’re not alone. There are a lot of people out there that struggle with this every day. Unfortunately, it’s hard to decide which path to take when it comes to your workout routine.  Do you want to look good and show off your toned muscles,…

  • Yoga vs. Strength Training For Weight Loss

    If you’re on a weight loss journey, you’re probably already aware of the importance of regular exercise. But with so many workout options out there, it can be tough to figure out which one is right for you. Two popular choices are yoga and strength training, both of which have their own unique benefits. In…

  • Best Cardio After Strength Training

    Not only can it help you burn off some extra calories, but it can also improve your overall cardiovascular health. But with so many cardio options out there, how do you know which one is the best for your post-strength training?  Don’t worry. We’ve got you covered! We’re going to be breaking down the top…

  • Strength Training vs. Conditioning

    There are a lot of questions that one has to ask themselves when looking to create the perfect fitness routine for themselves. One of the biggest is whether you should focus on strength training or conditioning.  If you have this question, you’re not alone. It’s a common dilemma among gymgoers that can be a bit…

  • Weight Training vs. Strength Training

    Weight Training vs. Strength Training

    Are you confused about the difference between weight training and strength training? Do you wonder which one is better for achieving your fitness goals?  Well, if you do, we will help you answer these questions. We’re going to break down the differences between these two popular forms of exercise and help you figure out which…

  • Strength Training Vs Weight Lifting

    Strength Training Vs Weight Lifting

    Are you trying to figure out the difference between strength training and weight lifting? Or are you simply looking to get started with a new workout routine that can help you build muscle and get stronger?  No matter which one you’re looking at, figuring out you’ve come to the right place! We are going to…

  • Are Push-Ups Functional Strength Training?

    Are Push-Ups Functional Strength Training?

    You have a wide variety of workouts to pick from when putting together your training schedule. Maybe one of the most popular exercises that individuals use is the push-up. But are they truly a suitable choice if you’re looking to increase your functional strength? It’s a legitimate question that’s been posed over and over again.…

  • How Long to See Strength Training Results?

    How Long to See Strength Training Results?

    Whenever you start something new in your life, whether that’s a new workout routine, diet, or some other improvement, there is a huge desire to know how long it will take to see results. It’s a common question across the board.  But when looking at strength training or other physical activities, especially when you’re hoping…

  • Explosive Training vs. Strength Training

    Are you someone who’s into fitness and strength training? If you are, you must have come across the terms explosive and strength training. But what do these terms mean, and which one should you be focusing on to achieve your fitness goals? Well, that’s exactly what we’re going to discuss in this blog.  We’re going…

  • Circuit Training vs. Strength Training

    Circuit Training vs. Strength Training

    If you’re looking to get in shape, there are a lot of different workout options out there. Period two of the most popular types of workouts are circuit training and strength training.  While both types of training can help you build strength and improve your overall fitness level, they each have their own unique pros…

  • Calisthenics vs. Strength Training

    Calisthenics vs. Strength Training

    With so many workout options available, it’s easy to get overwhelmed when it comes to figuring out which option is the right one for you.  If you’re on the hunt to boost your workout routine, you’re probably starting to do a little research, and you may have come across both calisthenics and strength training.  But…

  • Will Strength Training Make Me Bulky?

    Will Strength Training Make Me Bulky?

    You’re not alone if you’re interested in strength training but worried about getting too bulky. It’s a common misconception that lifting weights will make you look like a bodybuilder overnight. The truth is strength training can help you achieve a toned and lean physique rather than a bulky one. We will dive into the science…

  • Walking vs. Strength Training

    Walking vs. Strength Training

    There’s no doubt that exercise is important for our physical and mental health, but sometimes it can be tough to decide which type of exercise is best for you. Some people swear by their daily walks, while others wouldn’t dream of skipping their strength training sessions. So which one is better? Let’s explore the pros…

  • CrossFit vs. Strength Training

    CrossFit vs. Strength Training

    It’s important to keep your workout routine constantly evolving. So if you’re interested in changing and improving your workouts, you may look at different disciplines to incorporate into that routine. Maybe two of the options you’re looking at are CrossFit and strength training. Now you might be wondering which one is better for you and…

  • Functional vs. Traditional Strength Training

    Functional vs. Traditional Strength Training

    Bicep curls, bench presses, and squats can get pretty dull after a while. What if there was a way to mix things up and still achieve your fitness goal? That’s where functional strength training comes into the picture! Functional strength training is a type of exercise that focuses on movements that mimic everyday activities. Whereas…

  • Toning vs. Strength Training

    Toning vs. Strength Training

    There are many decisions to make when you begin your fitness journey. Maybe one of the most often made decisions is whether to do toning or strength training. Unfortunately, this is a very common consideration! With so many workout options available, it can be overwhelming to decide which option is right for you. That’s why…

  • Strength Training vs. Resistance Training

    Strength Training vs. Resistance Training

    There’s a lot of variety when it comes to training routines that you can enter into your fitness itinerary. Unfortunately, many of them can be quite confusing. For instance, are you confused about the difference between strength and resistance training? Well, you’re not alone! These terms are often used interchangeably, but the two have some…

  • Powerlifting vs. Strength Training

    Powerlifting vs. Strength Training

    Both powerlifting and strength training can help you achieve your fitness goals, but they differ in their approaches and goals. So which one is right for you? We’ll explore that question, look at the differences between powerlifting and strength training, and help you decide which is best suited to your needs and fitness goals. If…

  • What is Traditional Strength Training?

    What is Traditional Strength Training?

    There are a lot of different routes that one can take to reach their fitness goals. Maybe one of the most popular, though, is strength training, so if you’re curious about traditional strength training and what that entails. We’re going to break down the basics of traditional strength training in a way that’s easy to…

  • Can Yoga Replace Strength Training?

    Can Yoga Replace Strength Training?

    Monotony can be the killer of consistency when it comes to your fitness routine. So are you tired of hitting the gym and lifting weights every day? Are you looking for a more relaxing and peaceful alternative to strength training? Yoga may just be the answer to what you need. Yoga has been gaining popularity…

  • Can You Do Strength Training Every Day?

    Can You Do Strength Training Every Day?

    Any great fitness regimen must include strength training. But if strength training is your thing, you might wonder if it’s a good idea to do it daily. You’re not the only one who is curious, though. Strength training may greatly increase your general fitness, create what you haven’t come, and develop muscle. But is doing…

  • Getting Discouraged With Weight Loss?

    Getting Discouraged With Weight Loss?

    Losing weight can be very challenging, and oftentimes this leads to a lot of frustration. Unfortunately, that frustration can eventually lead to discouragement, especially when you haven’t seen the results that you expected or wanted. But even when you’re discouraged, there are ways to combat that. Most of the time, the discouragement comes from not…

  • How Getting In Shape Changes Your Life

    How Getting In Shape Changes Your Life

    There are a lot of ways that you can begin making changes. However, looking at your health and overall physical well-being is the most impactful and long-lasting. Getting in shape can greatly impact every aspect of your life, but it requires focus and commitment. Getting in shape will allow you to actually not only have…

  • How Losing Weight Changes Your Life

    How Losing Weight Changes Your Life

    Many of us struggle with weight throughout our lives. Trying to lose that weight can be challenging, but we also all know that the journey of losing that weight can have significant effects on our lives. There are so many ways that losing weight can improve your life, but sometimes we have to understand those…

  • How Working Out Changes Your Life

    How Working Out Changes Your Life

    Making impactful changes in your life comes with a slew of new activities, from changing your diet to adding in working out. These lifestyle changes can impact your life in amazing ways. Maybe one of the lifestyle changes you’re considering in a ton of different aspects of your life. Working out will not only create…

  • How Many Calories Should a 120-Pound Woman Eat?

    How Many Calories Should a 120-Pound Woman Eat?

    Even if you are regularly hitting the gym, this can’t be the only tactic you have when losing weight. With so many people struggling with their weight, it’s not surprising that they will not only add physical activity but also do a little calorie counting. The amount of calories for any individual varies from person…

  • How Much Sugar is Burned During Exercise?

    How Much Sugar is Burned During Exercise?

    There are multiple types of sugar from the stored sugar known as glycogen and the sugar we ingest. Either way, it is used as fuel but is also the target of many when it comes to losing weight. So how much sugar can you burn during exercise? To figure that out, you have to know…

  • Protein Bar Before Bed Affect Weight Loss

    When you are setting out on your weight loss journey, the ultimate goal in every aspect of your plan is to affect your metabolism so you burn more fat. That is true with the exercises you choose as well as the food and snacks you look to incorporate into that fitness plan. Exercise is important,…

  • What Stretches To Do Before Push-Ups?

    What Stretches To Do Before Push-Ups?

    Push-ups are one of the most foundational exercises in any person’s workout. They are an exercise that is utilized to build the upper body muscles. Push-ups work more muscle groups in the upper body. It works everything from your pecs to the biceps. But, like with any other exercise, it is always best to start…

  • Do Planks Burn Fat or Build Muscle?

    Do Planks Burn Fat or Build Muscle?

    There are a lot of great exercises out there that many people look to fold into their everyday physical activities. From jumping jacks to squats, finding the right exercise that helps you reach your final fitness goals is important.  One of the most popular is probably the plank. But even with it being so popular,…

  • How Much Weight Can You Lose In Three Weeks?

    How Much Weight Can You Lose In Three Weeks?

    There are times when it seems like we need to lose weight quickly. Though it’s not healthy to lose a lot of rapid weight quickly, there may be times when you feel you need to shed a few pounds before a certain date.  For those looking to lose a certain amount of weight in three…

  • Protein Bar Before or After Workout Weight Loss

    Protein Bar Before or After Workout Weight Loss

    Protein bars are something that lines the aisles of grocery stores across the globe.  For those that are into physical fitness or trying to journey on some sort of weight loss quest, they can be a great tool and are often the source of snacking to keep you from having that hunger and cravings. For…

  • How Long Does It Take to Lose 45 Pounds?

    How Long Does It Take to Lose 45 Pounds?

    Whenever someone sets out on a weight loss journey, they come up with the end goal that they want. Sometimes this is a small amount, and other times if they’re suffering from a little bit of an overweight issue, these can be rather large amounts.  Of course, there may be questions that come when you…

  • Are 0 Calorie Drinks Really 0 Calories?

    Are 0 Calorie Drinks Really 0 Calories?

    When you’re looking to lose weight, oftentimes, you focus on calorie counts. Weight naturally comes from the calories consumed by your body. That means that if you can find things that have no calories, they are often what you turn to when you need a little sustenance without damaging your calorie count for the day.…

  • Calories burn doing a plank 1 minute

    Calories burn doing a plank 1 minute

    Planking has become quite controversial in the exercise arena. Some feel they are effective, but the truth is this isometric exercise has many benefits when simultaneously engaging multiple muscles and calorie burning. It is an exercise used to help strengthen their core muscles and improve their postures, but it can also be used to lose…

  • How Many Calories Burned In a Plank?

    How Many Calories Burned In a Plank?

    One can use many options when it comes to exercise regimens on their weight loss journey. Of course, the option you choose depends on what you are looking to achieve. If you are looking for a full-body workout, one of the best options is the plank. Why is it such a great option? Simply put,…

  • How to Get Rid of Curves On Hips

    How to Get Rid of Curves On Hips

    If you’re working on toning and shaping your body, you’re probably looking at losing some of those curves. Of course, some areas of the body are more challenging than others, and hips are always more challenging for some, especially women.  But with the right diet and exercise, you can tone and reduce those curves with…

  • Is 2300 Calories a Lot For a Woman?

    Is 2300 Calories a Lot For a Woman?

    Many people focus on calorie counting when they’re looking to lose weight. This is not necessarily bad, but you have to understand how to manage those calories, whether you’re a man or a woman.  That being said, the male and female body is different, and so there are different guidelines for both. The trick to…

  • Why Don’t I Have Energy To Work Out?

    Why Don’t I Have Energy To Work Out?

    Sometimes, you plan to spend the morning exercising, but when your alarm goes off, you realize that you have no energy and there’s nothing you want to do less than get out of bed and hit the gym. This feeling can be both annoying and scary, but don’t worry! It happens more often than you…

  • Chirp Wheel vs Foam Roller

    Chirp Wheel vs Foam Roller

    One of the biggest issues facing adults today is back pain. And whilst this pain is not often life-threatening, it can take a toll on your mental health, productivity, and overall quality of life. So how best can you treat your back pain? There is a debate over whether or not a Chirp Wheel or…

  • Arms Get Tired When Holding Them Up

    Arms Get Tired When Holding Them Up

    Tired arms can be a consequence of many different factors in your life, whether that be overuse, underuse, health conditions, or lifestyle choices. If you find that you are struggling with arm fatigue, don’t worry! There are a number of different things you can do to combat this.   Is This Normal?  Like most things…

  • Healthy Amount of Weight to Lose in 3 Months

    Healthy Amount of Weight to Lose in 3 Months

    Nowadays, many people struggle with their weight. This is why so many lifestyle changes and diets have become trends and fads. Looking at a healthy weight loss is vitally important to ensure success in your goals and that no other health concerns arise with your weight loss. This means that you need to understand what…

  • How Many Calories Should a 5’2 Woman Eat?

    How Many Calories Should a 5’2 Woman Eat?

    Depending on your diet type, you may be concerned with how many calories you consume. The number of calories will differ from person to person depending on things like age, sex, body type, height, and physical activity. One of the aspects that many people don’t understand is the height-to-weight ratio. This is especially true when…

  • How Much Distance On A Treadmill Is A Mile?

    How Much Distance On A Treadmill Is A Mile?

    When you’re looking to get out there and exercise, you have a wealth of different opportunities. You can go to a gym and hit all the machines, or you can simply hit the local park and take a run. For those that are not in a place where walking outside or running is a good…

  • Is 50 Pounds A Lot of Weight to Lose?

    Is 50 Pounds A Lot of Weight to Lose?

    Many people worldwide struggle with their want to tell you and wait across the globe. When they begin their weight loss journey, oftentimes, they set goals for themselves. These calls are individual, but some people set the lofty goal of losing 50 pounds. This is a good start, though it may seem lofty to many…

  • Which Sydney Cummings Program Should I Do?

    Which Sydney Cummings Program Should I Do?

    There are millions of people across the globe that are looking to lose little weight and trim down. Finding the right fit when it comes to a personal trainer, though, can be challenging, and if you don’t have the freedom to go to a gym, what do you do? Sydney Cummings answered that question by…

  • Will Quest Bars Make You Gain Weight?

    Will Quest Bars Make You Gain Weight?

    When it comes to diets, there is a wealth of diet ads, especially when it comes to food. One of the most popular in regards to protein bars is the Quest bar. When executing a new diet, many people look to add more protein and take away fewer carbs to build muscle. Because of this,…

  • Stretches To Do After Push-Ups

    Stretches To Do After Push-Ups

    WAfter doing any kind of exercise, it is important to stretch. This is for a number of reasons. First, it reduces the build-up of lactic acids that contributes to the soreness that you often feel after exercise. It also limits the strain on your muscles and joints, which will help you stay flexible and reduce…

  • What To Eat To Lose 20 Lbs In A Month?

    What To Eat To Lose 20 Lbs In A Month?

    Maybe that vacation or special event has snuck up on you, and you need to lose some weight, or maybe you just want to challenge yourself, but simply wanting to do something isn’t the same as knowing how to do it. But never fear! This article will tell you everything that you need to know…

  • Whey Protein Use With Milk Or Water?

    Whey Protein Use With Milk Or Water?

    Whey protein is a quick and easy way to easily increase your calorie intake to meet your protein goals. There are many factors that can affect your decision. Whether you’re looking for better taste, trying to cut, or building muscle mass can determine whether to use milk or water. Most whey proteins are designed to…

  • Yawning After Taking Pre-Workout

    Yawning After Taking Pre-Workout

    If you’re someone who works out regularly, then chances are you’re more aware of your body and its functions than others. And you may have noticed that you are prone to warn after taking a pre-workout, but don’t worry! Everything you need to know about yawning after taking a pre-workout, including whether it’s normal and…

  • What Weighs 20 Pounds at Home?

    What Weighs 20 Pounds at Home?

    Dumbbells can be pricey if you’re looking to start incorporating some at-home workouts. However, they are worth the investment if you are already consistent in your workouts and just looking to move them to home for convenience. Instead of spending hundreds on dumbbell sets, you could incorporate using common household items into your workout as…

  • What Is The Maximum Weight Loss Per Week?

    What Is The Maximum Weight Loss Per Week?

    Sometimes, that vacation or special events sneak up on us too quickly, and we realize that we haven’t lost as much weight as we wanted to! Cue frantic googling to find out exactly how much weight you can lose. But don’t worry – we’ve got you covered! Many variables come into play here, but generally…

  • What is the 5 Minute Water Hack to Lose Weight?

    What is the 5 Minute Water Hack to Lose Weight?

    New hacks are always popping up that claim to be the best way to lose weight, but how can we be sure if they even result in weight loss? The 5-minute water hack is one that you may have heard of before, but what exactly is it? Read on and find out more!   What…

  • What Does Losing 50 Pounds Do To Your Body?

    What Does Losing 50 Pounds Do To Your Body?

    The effect that losing 50 pounds has on your body varies depending on how much you weigh in the first place. Of course, the more you weigh in the first place, the more impact the weight loss will have. But no matter what, losing 50 points will have a positive impact!   Is Losing 50…

  • Can I Lose 20 Lbs In A Month?

    Can I Lose 20 Lbs In A Month?

    If you’re looking to shed weight fast or you’re getting ready for a wedding or a vacation, many people look for the quickest solution to lose weight. Losing 20 pounds within a month can technically be possible, depending on your body composition. However, losing 20 pounds within a month can be strenuous on your body…

  • Best Shape of My Life at 40

    Best Shape of My Life at 40

    If you’re looking to live a happy and healthy lifestyle, it’s never too late to start. Once you’re in your 40s, your body isn’t the same as when you were younger. You can’t get away with eating whatever you want as long as you are slightly active anymore. Losing weight in your 40s doesn’t need…

  • Can You Lose Weight Only Eating Protein Bars?

    Can You Lose Weight Only Eating Protein Bars?

    Protein bars have become a popular way to incorporate more protein into your diet. The convenience of having it on the go, as well as the ability to track the nutritional value, have made it a great source of nutrients. Protein helps you build muscle and have energy throughout the day, especially during workouts. But…

  • Does Nuun Break A Fast?

    Does Nuun Break A Fast?

    As intermittent fasting gains more and more popularity, it can be difficult to know what does and doesn’t break a fast. The good news is that fasting can look different for everyone, so it’s all up to you and what works best for you and your body! For example, one person may think consuming any…

  • How Many Pounds Can I Lose In 10 Weeks?

    How Many Pounds Can I Lose In 10 Weeks?

    With millions of different diets and exercise plans out there, losing weight can be as daunting as it is confusing. But with the correct combination of diet and exercise – along with the right mindset! – you can lose somewhere close to 20 pounds in 10 weeks! There are a lot of factors that play…

  • How Much Weight Can You Lose In 4 Days

    How Much Weight Can You Lose In 4 Days

    Four days is not a lot of time to lose weight. Generally, people tend to lose one pound a week. However, this does not mean that you can’t lose a good amount of weight in four days. It would take a lot of work, but with the right attitude and the correct combination of diet,…

  • How much weight can I lose in 10 Months?

    How much weight can I lose in 10 Months?

    Losing weight and keeping it off can be a big challenge for many people. When looking at weight goals, especially if they’re large ones, it can seem like a daunting task for anyone. When you think about it, nobody teaches us about healthy eating anymore.  So when you’re already stuck in your habits, it becomes…

  • Is Quest Bar Good for Weight Loss

    Is Quest Bar Good for Weight Loss

    In recent years, Quest Bars have skyrocketed to the top of the vending machines at your local gym. Their packaging promises 20 grams of protein and only four net carbs. In addition, they come in enticing dessert flavors like birthday cake and chocolate brownie.  However, like most quick and simple solutions, there are some major…

  • Does Calorie Deficit Make You Tired?

    Does Calorie Deficit Make You Tired?

    When it comes to losing weight, many people have the same advice: eat less and move more. And whilst this is generally sound advice, what people often leave out is that this creates a calorie deficit that may leave you feeling tired.  So what is a calorie deficit? A calorie deficit occurs when you’re burning…

  • How To Change Your Metabolism After 50

    How To Change Your Metabolism After 50

    The older we get, the more our bodies change. Some of these changes are physical and ones that we may notice, like skin texture changing or hair turning gray, but there are other changes, like our metabolism slowing down, that we may not notice.  Research shows that after we turn 50, our metabolism slows down,…

  • How To Lose Weight In Your 50s

    How To Lose Weight In Your 50s

    As you approach your 50s, you may find that you can’t lose weight like you could when you were in your 20s and 30s. It can seem worrying, but it doesn’t need to be!  Most women find losing weight in their 50s difficult, but just because something is difficult doesn’t mean it’s not possible. By…

  • Does the Theragun Really Work on Cellulite? Well…

    Does the Theragun Really Work on Cellulite? Well…

    Cellulite is a completely natural part of the human body that affects the majority of the population – but this doesn’t mean that it doesn’t leave people feeling self conscious about their body as a result.  So what can help with the appearance of cellulite? There are many different treatments that may help with cellulite,…

  • Exercises for Flabby Thighs For People Over 50 Years Old

    Exercises for Flabby Thighs For People Over 50 Years Old

    The older you get, the harder it is to lose weight. This can be for a number of reasons: menopause, the slowing of your metabolism, or even just a lack of energy.  None of this, however, means that you cannot tone up your thighs! With these exercises, you’ll notice your thighs going from flab to…

  • Intermittent Fasting for 60 Year Olds – The Do’s & Don’ts

    Intermittent Fasting for 60 Year Olds – The Do’s & Don’ts

    It’s no secret that losing weight in your 60s is difficult. This can be for a number of reasons, such as menopause and a slower metabolism. But just because something is difficult does not mean that it cannot be done.  In recent years, Intermittent Fasting has become more popular thanks to its numerous health benefits…

  • Does Menopause Cause Water Retention In the Legs

    Does Menopause Cause Water Retention In the Legs

    Menopause can be a confusing time for women. With so many symptoms, sometimes it can be difficult to know what is menopause and what isn’t – never mind how to alleviate these symptoms.  And water retention is a symptom that, although common, is not talked about often. But don’t worry! This article will tell you…