Strength Training vs. Conditioning

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There are a lot of questions that one has to ask themselves when looking to create the perfect fitness routine for themselves. One of the biggest is whether you should focus on strength training or conditioning. 

If you have this question, you’re not alone. It’s a common dilemma among gymgoers that can be a bit tricky to navigate. After all, strength training and conditioning have unique benefits and can help you achieve different fitness goals. 

But fear not. We’re here to help you understand the difference between these two training types and determine which one might be the best fit for you.


What are the Similarities?

These two exercises may seem like they are two very different beasts, but there are a few similarities. At the most basic level, both types of exercise involve movement and exertion. 

Whether you’re lifting weights or doing cardio, you’re putting your body through some kind of physical challenge. Other similarities include the following:


  • Both require consistency and dedication to see results
  • They both target improving overall health and well-being


So while strength training and conditioning may seem like two completely different worlds, they actually share some very important similarities.


What are the Differences?

Although there are some similarities, there are also some very key differences between these two types of exercises. For starters, the goals of each type of exercise are quite different. 

Strength training is focused on building muscle and increasing strength, while conditioning is focused on improving cardiovascular health and endurance. The techniques used in each type of exercise are also quite different. 

Strength training involves lifting weights and using resistance to build muscle, while conditioning involves activities like running, cycling, or swimming that get your heart rate up and challenge your cardiovascular system. 

Yet another difference is the way each type of size affects your body. Strength training can help increase muscle mass and bone density, while conditioning can help reduce body fat and improve your body’s ability to use oxygen. 

And last but certainly not, exercise is performed very differently. Strength training typically involves lifting heavier weights with fewer repetitions. On the other hand, conditioning involves performing lower-intensity exercises for longer periods.


Pros and Cons: Strength Training vs Conditioning

Each of these types of exercise brings with it a period the key to really determining which one works best for you is to take a deep look at your preferences and goals. Here though, are the pros and cons of each that hopefully can help you make that decision:


Strength Training



  • Builds muscle mass and strength
  • Increases bone density
  • Boosts metabolism 
  • Improves balance and coordination
  • Can be modified to target specific muscle groups or goals




  • It can be intimidating or challenging for beginners
  • Requires equipment or access to a gym
  • Higher risk of injury





  • Improves cardiovascular health and endurance
  • Reduces body fat and overall body composition
  • Can be done with minimal equipment
  • Easily modified to match individual fitness goals
  • It can be a fun and social activity




  • It may not be as effective for building muscle mass or strength
  • It can be repetitive or boring for some
  • Some high-impact conditioning exercises can be hard on the joints


Which One is More Beginner-Friendly?

When you’re a beginner, you have to look at many different aspects to ensure that you’re getting the best results with the safest options. When looking at both, conditioning is generally the more beginner-friendly option. 

Strength training can be intimidating for newcomers who are unfamiliar with weightlifting techniques and equipment. However, conditioning exercises like walking, cycling, or swimming are generally easy to pick up. 

Along with this, conditioning exercises can be easily modified to mention previous fitness levels and preferences. They’re also lower impact, meaning they are less likely to cause injury or strain on the joints. 

That being said, this doesn’t mean that strength training is off-limits for beginners. With proper guidance and coaching from a trained professional, strength training can be a safe and effective way to build strength and muscle mass. 

However, for those who are just starting out on their fitness journey, conditioning shows may be more accessible and beginner-friendly options.


Which One Gets Better or Faster Results?

When it comes to assessing offers the best and fast results, it ultimately depends on your fitness goals. If your goal is to build muscle and increase strength, then strength training is going to be the right option for you. 

If, on the other hand, you’re looking to improve cardiovascular health and endurance, then conditioning is the way to go. Ultimately, the best approach is to incorporate strength training and conditioning into your fitness routine, which is what many experts will suggest. 

You can tailor the routines to fit your specific goals and preferences using this option. This will provide you with a better approach to your fitness that encompasses not only strength but cardiovascular and other aspects of your health.


Final Thoughts on Strength Training Vs. Conditioning

Both strength training and conditioning are vital parts of any type of exercise routine. Strength training helps you build muscle mass and strength, and conditioning is ideal for improving cardiovascular health and endurance. 

Both types of exercises can be beginner friendly and offer amazing results when consistently executed. Ultimately, the key is finding a balance that works for you. Incorporating both in your fitness journey can create a better result, leading to more comprehensive results.


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